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About Me

As a seasoned programmer now enjoying retirement, I've dedicated my career to crafting digital solutions. While I may have stepped back from full-time work, my passion for coding continues to thrive through select projects I maintain.

My Current Focus

The Tabber App for Ecwid by Lightspeed

My primary focus is supporting the Tabber app, designed for Ecwid by Lightspeed—an innovative e-commerce platform. This app enhances the user experience for online merchants by providing a simple yet powerful tool to create tabbed content within product descriptions.

Key Features of Tabber:

  • Easy integration with Ecwid stores
  • User-friendly interface for creating tabbed sections
  • Enhanced product presentation for potential customers
  • Improved organization of detailed product information

With Tabber, Ecwid users can effortlessly structure their product descriptions, making them more engaging and easier to navigate for shoppers.